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3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3.0 T MRI)

3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3.0 T MRI) At the forefront of the advanced diagnostic imaging, we are able to perform all kinds of MRI studies with 3.0 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging System.

Thanks to its all-digital technique, premium image quality and speed, excellent clinical performance is achieved while ensuring highest patient experience and comfort.

3.0 Tesla MRI is able to detect smaller lesions with digital high signal strength; delivering premium image quality that enables earlier diagnosis. Better and earlier diagnosis means, better treatment and outcomes.

With the 3.0 T MRI, we are able to address all clinical needs and requests for the imaging of whole body, from head to toe, for all clinical areas from neurologyto oncology, from orthopedics to cardiology

Both, Medipol’s physicians and healthcare professionals possess world class knowledge and experience to make this high technology work for your health at its best!